Aroma ARC-5000SB Digital Rice Cooker Review

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If you want a very easy way to cook rice, the Aroma ARC-5000SB can do it for you in three simple steps! Add ingredients, add liquid, push a button, and you have dinner! The rice cooker/food steamer is equipped with Sensor Logic Technology, and it almost has too many features to list.

Smartly designed, and well made, the Aroma ARC-5000SB, is a fully featured cooker and, best of all, it’s great value for money. It’s handsome high tech, sleek looking front control panel makes this cooker a pleasure to have sitting on any kitchen counter. I bought mine online for around $50 and, believe me it’s worth every penny.

Aroma Housewares Rice Cooker Review: Perfectly Cooked Rice

The Digital Controls are easy to read and understand and it has a count down digital display that is easy to see and lights up if your kitchen lights happen to be off. It shuts itself off once the timer has finished and features a handy cooking countdown that enables up to 15 hours of programmable time. This cooker also has a really cool feature – the delay timer – this is ideal for people who work and would like to preset their rice cooker for fresh hot rice, soup or stew to come home to after a hard days work. Everything I have cooked in this cooker has turned out perfectly. Every time. Nothing sticks to the inside inner Cooking Pot of this one. White Jasmine rice turns out just like the Asian restaurants rice does. Nicely steamed and sticky. Vegetables cook like a dream. Soups hot and delicious. I love this cooker and highly recommended it! Enjoy!

Here’s what some of my friends have had to say about the Aroma ARC-5000SB

I purchased the ARC-5000SB at Costco (early Summer 2020) for slightly under $60 in order to cook sushi rice – although I realize now that I could have got it a lot cheaper online. However, I was pleasantly surprised that it not only cooked rice (of all kinds) well but is also capable of steaming vegetables and can be used as a slow cooker. I’ve used it now as a slow cooker and it does as good of a job as my dedicated slow cooker so I donated my old slow cooker to my son. I’ve steamed veggies on top of the stove for so long that I keep forgetting to try out this machine for that purpose.

Clean up is very easy due to the fact that it has an inner pot that goes in the dishwasher. The only downside, as with so many products, is the written documentation but once you figure out the directions for making rice, it becomes quite easy.

My unit also contained a recipe booklet which might be useful for a novice cook. Although not appropriate to me, this would be a good product for someone who doesn’t have much in the way of cookware (or storage) since it makes rice, steams vegetables, serves as a soup/stew pot, and is a slow cooker. I just bought a second one for my daughter for a Christmas present.

Carenza Miller

I bought this for my wife because we have had a rice cooker for a number of years that I just didn’t care for because the rice was always brown around the outside and very dry. When I would microwave the leftover rice, I had to add about a cup of water just to soften it enough to eat. One evening we were at some friends’ house and I noticed their rice cooker had a setting for brown rice.

Ours was limited to white rice, and had no settings whatsoever except off and on. So, I bought her this one so she could make brown rice and hoping that it would not be so dry. Well, I was not disappointed. It makes great, moist rice, and of course the brown rice, too. However, it does more than that. It also serves as a slow cooker, and has a steam setting that cooks things faster than a slow cooker.

Or, it can make rice in the bottom and steam stuff on top. We are only just starting to find out what all it can do, but the wife put both the old rice cooker and the old slow cooker in the garage (an intermediate step on the way to the Salvation Army). That is about as good a reference as you can get for a product!

I use this 1-2 times per week and love it. I really like the delay feature and often make rice while steaming veggies.

Dave Brown

If you are looking for a fully-featured rice cooker then I can heartily recommend this model

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