Welcome to Rice Cooker Junkie, home of some of the best information on the net about rice cookers, cooking rice, and, generally, enjoying this most versatile of foods.
Are you a big fan of rice? Do you and your family eat it regularly? Maybe you eat it every day? If so, then chances are you would definitely benefit from a rice cooker. But, with so many models available, each of them with a host of features, how do you choose the right one for your needs? Well, thankfully, at Rice Cooker Junkie, we have done all of the heavy lifting and reviewed the best-rated rice cookers on the market.
So, why not kick back, read our rice cooker reviews or even check out some of our handy rice cooking tips and make up your mind on the best rice cooker for your needs.

Well, as you might imagine, a rice cooker is simply a small appliance that is used to prepare rice in a fast and convenient way. It consists of a thermostat, a bowl that is designed especially for cooking rice, and, of course, a heat source.
However, that only covers the basics because today’s modern rice cookers also come with a host of time-saving features such as computerized displays, touch controls, advanced times, and even fuzzy logic.
When it comes to the actual cooking process, there are also some steps that need to be explained. First of all, you simply add the amount of rice that you want to cook along with the appropriate amount of water into the cooking bowl. But, keep in mind that the more water you add, the longer it will take the cook to complete.
During the cooking process, the mixture will heat at the appliance’s preset level. At the end of the process, you will notice that the water you added will be gone. From this point on, there are some rice cookers that will continue to keep the cooked rice at a warm temperature – but without burning it – and others that will simply switch off.
We Cover the Best Selling Brands
The number of available rice cookers on the market most probably extends to thousands; we certainly haven’t tried to count them all, but there are a lot. However, most of these appliances are made by relatively few manufacturers and may even be the same devices just re-branded. And, of course, not all brands are created equal. But, if you want to get started, then I suffest you look at our run down of the best Japanese rice cookers as they tend to be the most widely respected kind.
Some of the most popular brands out there at the moment are Zojirushi, Krups, Oyama, Panasonic, Sanyo, Aroma, Miracle Exclusives, and Cuisinart although there are many others that are good, depending on your requirements and how much you have to invest.